Today I finally extradicted myself away from the computer and my scrapping room and spent a lovely day out and about with friends. Our friends were camping at the foothills of the Strathbogie Ranges at a locality called Barjarg -
if you google it, you will find it is almost in the middle of nowhere.... but in reality it is only about an hour and half drive from our house. It was "perfect" winter weather
(if there is any such thing LOL!!) so we went on a walk along the bush tracks surrounding the camp. I never leave home without my camera and today was no exception - the scenery was just lovely and I got some beautiful photos including this one of my hubby and I with our eldest daughter. She isn't very fond of having her photo taken so this gorgeous photo is one I will treasure.

The walk we took was...according to our friend John - only going to be a short stroll, at most 2km...however, we ended up walking 6.2km's!! My legs didn't hold up too well but I'm not going to complain - I now have a lovely batch of photos ready to scrap and we had such a fun day. Here is a preview of some of the photos I snapped - the rest I'm sure you will see in my upcoming layouts ;)

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