
Friday, June 25, 2010

A Touch of Pretty

....I'm still enjoying some time, digi playing with my photos and having fun stretching my style and experimenting with a few different kits from some talented designers.
I've been hanging out a little over at the forum and gallery at For The Luv of Art - so many beautiful things to see over there and I'm in awe of how clever the ladies over there are. I loved this Renewal Quick Page from Angel Hartline Designs it is a freebie - and I knew I had the perfect photos to use with it.

It's gorgeous isn't it? and the subtle touch of music is just so Larissa - very cool!

...and I can never go past an opportunity to play with my beloved heritage photos...this layout commemorates my ancestors. David & Ellen Henderson are my Great Great Grandparents and they are our first Australians. Henry is the eldest of their 14 children and my Great Grandfather and Priscilla - who was known as Phoebe is the eldest of their 8 daughters..........this all makes me a fifth generation Aussie. The Digi Kit I used for this layout is from LitaBelle Designs, it is certainly very pretty! oh and the Key embellishment can be found in Janet Carr's King of My Heart Digital Kit

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

White Backgrounds

I've really had the scrapping bug lately and thought I should challenge myself to move away from using my beloved pink in every layout LOL!!!!!!! It has been a long time since I just worked on a white background so I thought I'd give it ago....found a beautiful new kit by designer Vinnie Pearce called Placid - very subtle colours of grey and very delicate. She also has the most delicious kits of swirls & flourishes - a girl after my own heart. The floral corner is a Creative Memories freebie and I just changed the colour hue to match the papers....and added a cute little bird from the Placid kit - isn't it sweet?? - almost as sweet as my daughters in this photo!!! ;)

I also used the Placid kit for this layout but I altered the colours from greys to browns to compliment my photo - which I framed in Janet Carr's Digi Kit Frames - New Perspective. The alpha is called Tea & Coffee by Kenner Road Designs

and this layout was created using Janet Carr's kit "The Bunny Trail" and a few embellishments from another of her wonderful kits "The King of My Heart"....oh! and I do have to tell you, this is not my daughter's boyfriend ;) but a special "buddy" they started school together as 5yr olds and have been friends ever since.

Pity I have to work tomorrow - I have so many ideas floating around in my head at the moment - oh well a weekend beckons - maybe I can play again then!! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Photo Fun

....I had BIG plans for a photography session yesterday but for all sorts of reasons those plans didn't happen!! However, I did have a fun photo day or as my hubby put it.... a fungi foto day :)

Between the showers of rain - I did get some lovely scenery photos along the banks of the Murray River. The river system is very sick, we have been in drought for far to long a statement I suppose sounds a little strange when it was a wet and raining day! - but alas not enough rain.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Something for the Boys!

I'm so excited to be sharing a wonderful new digital kit by Janet Carr - Little Feet Digital Designs it is called King of My Heart and celebrates all the love we have for the men in our lives. This kit is simply beautiful with a fabulous touch of all things masculine....and yet, I still managed to find some pink in there.... and was able to create some "girly" pages - along with a cute little pet page... how's that for a little something for everyone??!! :)

...and for this layout I had to "borrow" a little boy - this photo was shared at and the photographer was Paul H. Boliou - gorgeous photo!!

... remember when I started this blog?? - I told you all.... that I would have plenty for you to look at - am I living up to that promise ??? ;)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Layouts Done!!

OK - I have to confess I am totally addicted to Digital - don't you just love the fact that you can take photos one day - scrap them the next!!??!! Not that I don't plan to finish the canvas art I've been "chatting" about for the past couple of weeks BUT with digital you don't have to wait for the paint to dry!!
So without further ado - here are some of the photos I shared here yesterday all scrapped ready to print for my albums.

...and YES!!- pink is the feature colour yet again!! - if I can manipulate my page designs to use it I will ;)

and this is how the two pages will appear in my 2010 Family Album - well almost....I didn't "stitch" these two layouts together so well!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Playing with my Camera

Today I finally extradicted myself away from the computer and my scrapping room and spent a lovely day out and about with friends. Our friends were camping at the foothills of the Strathbogie Ranges at a locality called Barjarg - if you google it, you will find it is almost in the middle of nowhere.... but in reality it is only about an hour and half drive from our house. It was "perfect" winter weather (if there is any such thing LOL!!) so we went on a walk along the bush tracks surrounding the camp. I never leave home without my camera and today was no exception - the scenery was just lovely and I got some beautiful photos including this one of my hubby and I with our eldest daughter. She isn't very fond of having her photo taken so this gorgeous photo is one I will treasure.

The walk we took was...according to our friend John - only going to be a short stroll, at most 2km...however, we ended up walking 6.2km's!! My legs didn't hold up too well but I'm not going to complain - I now have a lovely batch of photos ready to scrap and we had such a fun day. Here is a preview of some of the photos I snapped - the rest I'm sure you will see in my upcoming layouts ;)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thoughts & Pictures for Today

I've been reading a few biographies lately - and one which caught my attention was written about Helen Steiner Rice. I just love the optimism of her personal 10 commandments.

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me.

No wonder she was nicknamed the "Ambassador of Sunshine" !!!

The "Sunshine" in my life are my family and friends - they always help me look on the "Bright Side".... and as Monday fast approaches.... I'll be relying on this sunshine to get me through what is shaping up to be a busy week!!! - eeks best I get to bed!! ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Sneak Peek

....into my new endeavours. A couple of weeks ago my BFF re-introduced me to some scrapbook products that she knew I was trying "really" hard to resist... she knows me well.... the temptation was too great!! Then my two cyber friends ( one here in Aussie and the other one in the USA & they know who they are!! ) have been gently encouraging me to break loose of those restraints too. These wonderful friends have complimented my abilities and given me the faith to follow my heart and pursue the world of art & design....and today I tackled my first major project. I collected an assortment of goodies in my favourite colour combination of pink and green and have created a beautiful piece of art for my "happy room". It is not quite ready to unveil - just yet - but if you take a peek at the pictures below it might give you a little hint of what I have been up to today.

do you want to take a guess???? - I promise I will share... but in the meantime I'm off to find what else I can play with...